The gorgeous Kate from The Minted Beauty tagged me on this one! Being a big lover of lip products I am more than excited to take part in this Tag! Here goes nothing...
The questions and my answers:
Favourite balm/treatment?
Oh my gosh this is easy! The Malin + Goetz Lip Moisturizer. This stuff is liquid gold as far as I am concerned. It provides instant comfort to chapped or dry lips and when used regularly it maintains your lovely lips.

Best eye catching red?
Ruby Woo is a seriously attention-seeking red that I love to wear when I want a beautiful bold red lip that I know will wear well and last for hours and require little if any reapplication.
Best M.A.C lipstick?
Okay, this is a really hard question to answer, so I am going to go with the color I wear as my daily everyday lipstick and therefore have repurchased the most. That color would be 'Please Me'. This is a gorgeous Matte finished pink that looks like your lips but better. Check out my full review for M.A.C's 'Please Me' here.

Most disappointing?
Hmmm... It isn't a brand, but rather one particular gloss in particular. The M.A.C Tinted Lipglass in 'Please Me'. I purchased this, as this color lipstick from M.A.C is my daily go-to. Sadly this gloss was extremely disappointing. It just doesn't provide even coverage and looks sheer in some places and opaque in others across the lips. No thanks!Liner - yes or no?
YES! Yes yes yes! Especially where red lipstick is concerned. If not I love using my Too Faced Lip Insurance.

Something extra...
Maintain those lips with exfoliating them a few times weekly. I love using Lush's lip exfoliator. It comes in a range of flavours, of which I am currently using Bubblegum. Yum!
I wasn't going to tag anyone as I find people often get tagged multiple times. But then I decided to tag people anyways. So, I am sorry if you have already been tagged, feel free to either do this tag again or ignore the tag.
I tag:
Georgie of Beans Beauty Blog.
Gemma of Miss Makeup Magpie.
Rachel of Heart Ocean Secrets.
Laura of Lolly Loves X.
Reese of Reeseatomic.
If I haven't tagged you and you would like to take part, go ahead and join in! Link your post in the comments below.
What are your thoughts on my answers? Do you agree or disagree with any of my answers?