Hey everyone!
Yay! I have been nominated with The Liebster Award by Snigdha of My Beauty Obsessions. Thank you so much Snigdha!
The Liebster Award!
The Liebster Award is the one which is given to those with less than 200 followers, and after receiving it, you then list 11 facts about yourself, answer 11 questions, pick 11 nominees and set them 11 questions to answer. All in all, a great way of spreading some love.
- Link Back to the person who nominated you.
- State 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the questions gven to you
- Pick 11 nominees and create a set of 11 questions that they must answer
- You can't nominate the person who nominated you
- Tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.
Here are the questions I was asked to answerYour favorite pet?Dogs
Your dream job?To be a successful bloggerLipstick or Kajal?Kajal
Blogging is what for you?Blogging is my passion and true identityIndian outfit or Western?Indian outfit anytimeYour favorite makeup product yet so far?Eyeliners and Nail ColorsYour favorite food?Matar PaneerBest Inspiration of your life?My Mentor ~ Mr. Lakhbir SinghBest turning point of life?Meeting the love of my lifeMost happiest moment of life?Spending time with Orphans/DisablesDream holiday destination?Paris11 Random Facts about Me
- I am proud being an INDIAN
- I love exploring new places
- I believe in SAI Baba and Allah truly
- I can never watch horror films alone, even during daytime
- I have a crush on Zain Abdullah (Harshad Arora) of Beinteeha (ColorsTV)
- I like suspense/mystery and romantic stories
- I randomly check Deeptima's blog Beauty Unleashed with Deeptima's blog for her gorgeous FOTD's and EOTD's
- I hate splurging on high-end makeup brands
- In my childhood, I wanted to become a Pilot
- I love Red, Beige, Lavender and Black the most
- Diva Mode : http://yourclosetdiva.blogspot.in/
- Makeup and Nail Paints : http://www.makeupandnailpaints.com/
- CZ Loves : http://www.cz-loves.com/
- Heels and Coffee Beans : http://heelsandcoffeebeans.com/
- Heart Bows and Makeup : http://www.heartbowsmakeup.com/
- Vanity Unravelled : http://www.vanityunravelled.com/
- Urs Gorgeously : http://www.ursgorgeously.com/
- The Beauty Finds : http://thebeautyfinds.blogspot.com/
Here are the 11 questions you need to answer
- Blogging means?
- Any particular blog you like reading?
- Biggest Turn off?
- Ombre lips or Winged eyes?
- You spend your time the most with?
- Smokey eyes/Nude lips or Neutral eyes/Red lips?
- What do you look for in a skincare review?
- High-end or Drugstore brands?
- Your holiday destination?
- How did you choose your Blog name?
- Your handbag has?