Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach

By Philamazan @philamazan
The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach What do you do when you have hyperactive friends?Go out a lot, visit lotsa places...leave your footprints everywhere and make wonderful memories (even in not-so-fun places :p)Varkala Beach is one of the famous beaches in Kerela ,situated about 50 km from Trivandrum ie about one and half hour depending on the traffic.The best thing to do is reach in the morning,laze around ,hop eating-shacks,walk on the beach and visit the tiny shops selling very hippie products.Other than that there is not much to do.The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach
 I went during the off seasons so basically the tide was really high and the beach was totally gone except for a small patch and everyone was crowding around it lol
Hence i ate a lot of weird food "pizza on a beach" ^_^ and clicked plenty of pictures.The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach If you plan to crash there for some days there are many resorts .I don't know how they are priced but Kerela is pretty cheap compared to other places.The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach I found a man on the beach having a small exhibition of things that were about 20 yrs old.He had the cassette player and it took me back to my high school days when i used to collect tapes.I feel so old just thinking about it.Took his permission to take the pictures.He was more than obliged to let me do so.The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach
The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach
The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach Finally the sweet pea flower growing randomly by the fence,reminded me of my grandma's garden back in my hometown and how much i envy her green fingers.She had this humongous garden where she planted flowers and crops seasonally.It makes me nostalgic.I don't get much time for blogging these days.I believe it will get better over time.Got free early from hospital today.Instead of my ultra long siesta i thought i would drop in just to let you all know that i am still alive-kicking and screaming.I have been visiting a lot of tourist spots lately.And will keep updating them on my blog now and then.Until the next time,
lotsa hugs from an awkward huggerZan.The Kerala Adventure-Varkala Beach

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