Fashion Magazine

The Healthy Solution To Spicing Up Your Meals

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

I hope that you all are having a great Monday and enjoying a fresh new start to your week!

When it comes to cooking at home, I am a complete spice fanatic.

Whether that’s making my meal extra spicy, or maybe even a little sweeter at times, I can’t seem to ever cook a plain meal at home.

A brand i’ve recently been obsessing over to spice up my meal has been ‘Healthy Solutions Spice Blends‘.

Not too long ago I found out about them, and so I figured that since I haven’t done a food post in quite a while, that I would tell you about them.


If you’re looking for a healthier solution to spice up your meal, Healthy Solutions Spice Blends is the way to go.

Not only are they affordable, but they create a healthy alternative to creating flavorful home cooked meals, which I love!

Healthy Solutions Spice Blends was started by Shelly Wolcott, who is a mother of three, home cook, entrepreneur and self confessed connoisseur of comfort food.

She generally created her spice blends to overall be delicious, convenient and made with a mother’s touch for people who love to cook homemade meals and are looking for a no salt and no sugar option ​to add great flavor to their favorite foods.


What’s so great is that the blends are made using only the highest quality spices with no fillers or preservatives, no MSG, and they are low in carbohydrates. Most of their blends are made with no salt and no sugar.

They currently offer a full recipe ready collection for easy preparation when cooking with beef, poultry, pork and seafood. Each blend comes in a zip top packet so you get sealed in freshness and easy storage.

So, if you’re looking for a healthier alternative to spicing up your at home meal, then Healthy Solutions Spice Blends is the way to go.

Here are a few of my favorite spices from them that I prefer for my at home cooking meal:









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