Hey There,
This post is going to seem so cliche at this time of year, (Nearly as much so as the new year new me status), as I am sure that so many people are jumping on the healthy wagon at this moment in time. But hey, why not! A new year is just as a good excuse as any to swap the crisps for bananas, am I right? I like to see it as a time to step up a gear.
My ‘Healthy edit’ project is not about any new years resolutions. I want to keep that concept as far away from my mind as I can, as I’ll face up to it, it never helped me loose weight in 2013, or 2014….
For the past couple of years I have found myself suffering from various symptoms, including fatigue, mood swings, bad skin, and all sorts. Knowing my body and myself, I just haven’t felt quite right. Knowing it was quite hormonal, (As in I felt like I had PMT constantly), I assumed it was something to do with my Thyroid… Well it would seem after numerous blood tests, and my persistent nagging at the Doctors, I have poly-cystic ovaries. Which is actually more common than I had first realised.
I’m not sure exactly what this means but I have an idea, and I know for one that weight loss helps. And at this stage it is Doctors orders. Time to cut out the white carbs and the refined sugars.
Its funny really, as the changes I’m going to make in my everyday diet, are just common sense when it comes to healthy eating. I could of/should of made these changes ages ago, and yeah I’ve jumped on and off diets all year, I knew in myself I would feel more confident loosing weight, but I wasn’t aware it would have such an effect on the hormones/emotions I was going through, which is what makes it ‘different’ for me this time. Its less vanity more health. I went round in circles constantly, as I would just have very up days and very down days, where I would just crash, and guess what…. I’m an emotional eater. And what tastes good when you feel like shit? Dominoes pizza. And what happens when you eat crap… you feel worse, you gain weight, and you feel even worse. Its like a food roller-coaster.
I don’t know if I will never have a pizza again, or sticky toffee pudding, but I’ve just got to think about how it makes me feel after. Maybe once the symptoms are balanced back out, I may be able to have a ‘treat’, but maybe it is better to just cut out completely. I’m not sure. Right now, its one day at a time, and I’ll be living by the principles of clean eating.
-No white carbs – None of that white bread, white pasta nonsense.
-Keeping my choices as organic as I can – Fresh fruit and veg, organic meats.
-No processed foods – If it is not in its natural form don’t eat it, none of that microwaveable crap.
-Full fat choices – I’m talking butter, not spread, full fat milk not skimmed, as what else do they put in it to replace that fat?
-Less caffeine – I can’t start the day with out a cuppa tea, (But maybe that is just a habit) but I’ll be bringing back the green tea.
Here is my first healthy food shopping list of 2015:
Red onion
Kiwi fruit
Brown Rice
Organic chicken
Green tea
Unsalted butter
Blue top milk
Organic Feta cheese
Free range eggs
I personally find my biggest struggle is lunch, and getting through work. My boyfriends mom told me about the ‘ready to eat’ smoked salmon and rice, and not only is it the quickest and easiest dish to make for lunch, but it is very tasty. My plan is to eat the eggs for breakfast, and do some nice meals with the chicken, veg and feta in the evenings.
Sometimes the key to healthy eating is sticking to what you know, I will try and vary things up and will keep you updated on my food choices, any recipes I come across and how well I am doing on my fat loss journey. Of course I’ve also booked on to some gym classes this week, (Bring on the guns) its all about the exercise too. Right now I’m not feeling a before photo, but I will take one, and maybe eventually I will share that with you all, (Fully clothed I will add).
I’m excited but apprehensive about sharing this with you all. I mean it should inspire me but I hope it does help anyone else on their healthy eating journey.
**This is a lifestyle change, not a New Year Resolution**
What is in your shopping basket? Do you have any healthy recipes you can share with me?
Lots of love,