Just a quick touch base. I actually don't have much to report so far this week in terms of actual workouts. I have been sweating a lot, but that is mostly due to the hot weather and not so much due to any workouts. I felt like I owed it to my blog to fess up and admit that I haven't exercised since Sunday. I feel guilty, but it's ok. I am just a regular girl and some weeks are going to be busier than others. I have the rest of my workouts planned until Saturday (including 2 sessions with my trainer) so I think I will be ok. I have been eating well, but not drinking enough water (but I doubt anyone is in this heat!).
I am so interested in how people are keeping cool and finding motivation for their workouts during this heat wave. I keep seeing people out running. Like in the middle of the day. That must be so hard on your body. I will be running tomorrow morning. On a treadmill. In my condo gym. Where it is nice and cool. I am lucky.
I have three countdowns going on right now:
1. My Countdown to the start of the Olympics in London...8 days & 20 hours. So excited!!
2. My Countdown to Can Fit Pro, which is the annual Fitness Conference which is held in Toronto (and all over Canada)...29 days. So very, very excited!!!
3. My Countdown to the Army Run in Ottawa, where I will be running my 2nd half marathon...67 days. So nervous!!!
I also do countdowns for when we are opening a new GoodLife Fitness Club. So when I send out emails I can remind people of how many "sleeps" they have until their new club openings. I think that it is safe to say that I really like countdowns.
I also love the song "Final Countdown" which was originally sung by Europe, but for me will always be Job's theme song whenever he performs magic on Arrested Development. I love that show and that song. That song always makes it onto my really hardcore running playlists, right in between DMX and NWA.
Oh ya, I almost forgot. I made some really delicious energy balls on the weekend. I am confidant they were delicious because I have been sharing them with some co-workers (both male and female) and everyone seems to be on the same page with "Yum!" as the general response. Here is the recipe (for those of you who know, me I am not a "recipe" gal so please excuse the inaccurate/non-existent units of measurement):
Energy Balls
Dates (I used majool, but I think any pitted dates would work)
Organic Steel Cut Oats
Organic Coconut
Organic Natural Peanut Butter (any nut butter would work)
Organic Apple Sauce
Coconut or Olive Oil
Carob or Dark Chocolate
1. Soften or melt the chocolate or carob
2. Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl (it will look like poop, but I assure you it isn't)
3. Use a spoon and scoop the mixture and roll into little balls
4. Place on a plate or baking sheet and place in the fridge (they will still look like poop, but once again I assure you, they aren't)
5. Enjoy & Share!
What is everyone doing this week for their workouts I hope I am not the only one that has been lazy over the last few days. Maybe I need to go swimming?
What is everyone doing to stay cool and still get to the gym or to wherever your workouts are? Please share! I need your ideas, motivation and inspiration!!!!
Happy Reading,
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