Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Face Shop - Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence Review

By Ireviewuread

Way back in May, Northpoint’s The Faceshop is having a sample redemption promotion and since it was convenient for me, I decided to pop by after school and get myself a pack of sample!:

The Face Shop - Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence Review

In the sample pack it contains:

  • Chia Seed Cream
  • Aura Colour Control Cream
  • The SMIM Toner
  • Baby Face Hydrogel Mask
  • Smart Capsule CC Cream
  • Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence

and for today out of these 6 samples, I’ll be reviewing the Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence!

The Face Shop - Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence Review

The general function of this essence is to moisturize and as mentioned in it’s name, to help give you fair (whiter) skin!

The Face Shop - Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence Review

As seen from the above picture, the Flebote White Essence is whitish and quite Gel-liked. Despite it being Gel-liked, the essence absorbed quite easily into the skin.

What I don’t like about it is that it have a strong chemical scent which for me is a huge NO. However, despite of it’s scent, I still was quite impressed by it for it really help turn my skin slightly fairer! 

(If you can already see changes when using a small sample, imagine if you buy the whole bottle!)

The Face Shop - Flebote White Crystal Effect Essence Review

Overall, I would give the Flebote White Crystal, 4 IreviewUread smiles. Reason being, I like how it works, how it feels and how it’s absorbed into my skin rather quickly but I just don’t like how it smells.

You can check out The Face Shop Facebook Singapore HERE 

Or their main site here:

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