Dr. Dominic D'Agostino's presentation from San Diego 2017 gives valuable insights into the keto research which is currently conducted across the world. Some of the points which are brought up are:
- Why he started researching ketosis
- Ketosis in extreme environments
- Ketosis for conditions like epilepsy and anxiety
- Research on ketogenic supplements
- Different ways to implement a keto diet
- The signaling mechanisms of ketosis
Watch a part of the presentation above, where he talks about implementing a keto diet ( transcript). The full video is available (with captions and transcript) with a free trial or membership:
Nutritional ketosis and metabolic-based research - Dr. Dominic D'AgostinoJoin free for a month to get instant access to this and hundreds of other low-carb TV videos. Plus Q&A with experts and our awesome low-carb meal-plan service.