Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Day Alone!

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90
Hey everyone,
This is just an update on things really so if you don't want to read that's fine by me :)
So anyway, I just want to tell you about the trip I did to Birmingham all by myself, now some of you will think oh dear lord, wierd girl
But honestly I can say I have never been to a big city by myself so this was quite daunting for me
But I want to tell you all it was amazing, I drove to the train station, I got on a train, and back all in one piece.
Basically some of you might know I'm moving, I'm moving to a town, where it has actually shops on my doorstep, where I live at the moment I have to drive 30mins to reach the town, let's say you need a pair of tights for work because you've just riped your only pair,
Now imagine having 2 drive 30muns there for a pair, then 30 mins back
It gets abit crazy!
So yeah, of on a tangen abit there, anyway me and my bf are moving closer to shops, and right by a train station, perfect for finding a job
So I had a job interview in brum and I went all by myself, I am so very proud haha
But it opens up amazing opportunitys for me.
This was basically just a little diary post that I wanted to share with you, I also took pictures because I was in awe with the shops!
and I got free samples, how cool is tht, they were handing out free toliet roll aswell, but I thought I would pass on tht
The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!The day alone!

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