Humor Magazine

The British Bilge Corporation Defecates on Us Again!

By Davidduff

I know you will find this hard to believe, dear reader, especially if you are a regular here at D&N but sometimes, just sometimes, I am completely at a loss for words.  I am obliged, if that is quite the word, to the very appropriately named I Hate The Media for pointing me to this story reported at Hot Air whose headline sums it up:

Great news: Assisted-suicide sitcom coming to BBC

You think I'm joking?  Come on, people, this is the BBC for whom no perversion or evil is ever totally wrong:

The six-part series is described as a “black comedy” about three men who set up an assisted-suicide business.

Well, talk about laugh, maybe you will - up until I remind you that you are paying for this smelly heap of you-know-what!

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