Whilst in Brighton we stopped off for lunch at the Breakfast Club. I had never been but Craig had been to one in London, so I thought it was about time I tried it too! Upon walking in I was instantly in love with the decor, turquoise artex ceiling which worked perfectly with the dark wood panelling that surrounded each surface.

The restaurant was very bright even with the dark wood, it was the perfect kind of retro. So I was hoping the food would be as good, I was not disappointed. After perusing the menu for a while, we both decided we had to have the salted caramel milkshake with popcorn. What is not to love?!

It was so tasty. I devoured the popcorn on top which was lightly salted, and then delved into the beautifully creamy milkshake. If I could drink this repeatedly for the rest of my life I would be happy. I also chose to have the 'Breakfast Club club sandwich' which contained chicken, bacon, cheese and avocado, grilled on white bread (granary was the other option and if I was feeling more healthy I would have had it on that).

It was so tasty, and very filling mainly because of the doorstop bread and the massive chunks of chicken! I'm not complaining. It was so tasty, the chicken was perfectly cooked, along with the bacon being crispy and salty which was perfectly placed with the cheese and avocado. Craig had the bacon and pancakes with maple syrup and it was huge! Four fluffy light pancakes were set beneath a stack of smoked bacon and doused in maple syrup.

We both loved our experience and we will not be forgetting about the Breakfast Club in a hurry. x