Fashion Magazine

The Blogging Zombies

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul
Some may hate. Many will agree. Last night, I was talking/chatting with Melle. It was the first time I talked to her like that actually. I am this type of person who does not really do well on talking with people other than those I am already used to talk with. img source Anyway, the point is we were talking about what I call, The Blogging Zombies. So, what exactly is it? These are bloggers who just visit your blog and left comments for the purpose of your commenting and visiting back their sites. I am the type of blogger who posts a loooooot of photos because I easily get bored with words. The thing is, they just look at the photos and do not read the texts. Then, they comment, “Nice photo you got there.” Then, leave and wait for your comment back. They inflict your brain with too much stress that you just want to shoot them dead. It’s not illegal to shoot zombies, right? hahaha The truth is I don’t give a thing if I receive comments like that. I really don’t. But there are other bloggers who give a damn. Blogging is not easy. You have to think of stories to tell and relay them in a manner that would not bore your readers. You want to have a connection with your readers. Now, how would there be a connection if your blogging buddies just comments on the photos saying that it is nice? A picture is worth a thousand words. But today, it is only worth one sentence: “You got nice photos.” Maybe you have seen my comment on some posts with one-liners. Yeah, I do that to people who does the same to me. It is the golden rule to not do onto others what you do not want them to do onto you. I only abode wholly to that. Through the years, I have met bloggers who are now my friends. Though I never get to meet some of them, I am happy to have them as my friends. Mind you, we all communicate like we know each other so well. The reason for the friendship is that we get to know more of each other by really reading their posts and commenting decently. So to some bloggers who are just here for the money and fame, let me tell you one thing. You can have money and fame with SEO, etc; but you cannot have close friends with that. For me, the friends I gain through blogging is one of my successes as a blogger. PS: I even doubt if blogging zombies would care enough to read this. Then again, I don’t give a thing. :P    

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