Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Blogger Tag

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

I haven’t done a tag in ages, and then I get two in one week, (I’m not complaining though), I love reading tags just as much as I do writing them, as it gives you a little more insight in to that person. I was tagged by the lovely Alice from Anniewritesbeauty, so here is mine…

1. What is your favorite beauty product?
Oh this is a tough one, I would probably have to say Benefit’s Hoola on the basis of how many times I have repurchased it, but I would say Origins Night a Mins moisturiser for my favorite skincare product, it smells incredible, and works wonders on my skin.

2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I think this question should be, ‘where in the world do I not want to travel’ as that would make the list a lot smaller. I think the place that appeals to me most is Asia, especially Thailand, Bhali, Vietnam, I would love to experience there cuisine, culture and of course there picturesque beaches and full moon parties. I would love to go to Australia, (As I have friends and family out there) but I actually think America would be my first choice, just because in my head, if I went out there I would live like the Kardashians, or at least have a life like they did on the Hills, (Wishful thinking).

3. What is your all time favorite brand?
I would have to go with Origins, as their skincare range helped sort my teenage skin out and I still use them now.

4. Do you collect anything, if so what is it?
It appears I collect lip glosses, just never really wear them.

5. Early bird or night owl?
Early bird, although that snooze button gets rinsed in the mornings, if I sleep in past a certain time I feel like I have waisted my day, and just feel a bit confused for the rest of the afternoon.

6. Tea or coffee?
Tea all the way.

7. What is your favorite TV show?
Friends, as it is the only show I can watch more than once, not get bored, and still find the same parts funny. I need to get my hands on SITC as I’ve watched a couple episodes and know I’ll be hooked.

8. If you could travel to any era what would it be?
The Roman Empire interests me, I don’t think I would want to of been there though, but it would be nice to see how everything was 50 or 100 years ago.

Its now my time to tag. I tag…..

Kate from Sugarfixxbeauty

Kirstie from Ayellowbrickblog

Ami from Amzyinwonderland

Have a lovely day.

Lots of love,


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