Today is the 2nd anniversary of my little blog. I can’t begin to thank everyone that reads the blog, comments and interacts with me on social media – it makes the whole think so much worth while. So today I wanted to post something a little different; something other than food that I really enjoy – travel & photography. Travel features now and then on the blog already but this post is a throwback to my pre blog life!
Not long before my husband and I started this blog we got married, and subsequently of course went on our honeymoon. Recently I’ve been flicking back through my hundreds of photos that I took when we were there and thought it only right to share some of that beauty of the Maldives. I’m also going to write a little review of the island resort itself with regard to the food & accommodation, but firstly purely the views.
And boy are they good views (well, they are if you like crystal turquoise sea and pure white beaches….!) The Maldives are thousands of little islands, all no more than 8m above sea level and are found in the middle of the Indian Ocean. We got to Mali, the capital, via Dubai, and then the last leg of the journey is on a tiny seaplane to the atoll that our resort was in.
All islands are resorts in themselves, and Kuramathi, our island, is in the Rasdhoo Atoll and just over 1km long. The scenery is beautiful – lush palms, greenery and flowering bushes give way to white sands and glimmering aquamarine waters. The underwater life on the house coral reef is something pretty special too. So relax, and enjoy the photos and imagine yourself there, I certainly wish I was back there!

Sea Plane

Another island from the air

Water Villas which we stayed in

The sea and the sand

The Greenery and the Flowers


Animal life


Underwater life

‘friendly’ reef sharks

Ahh the sunsets

I hope you enjoyed a whistle-stop tour around the island. These pictures bring back so many happy memories to me and I just hope I can make it back there again one day.
Roz :)