Creativity Magazine

The Battle Continues . . .

By Vickilane
The Battle Continues . . .
In the never-ending battle against bunnies and Bambi, John has constructed these handy-dandy garden cages.
The Battle Continues . . .
In the picture above, you can see how the deer have cropped off the tops of the peppers. 
The Battle Continues . . .
I wanted some fall collards, kale, and broccoli, as well as some lettuce so John used PVC, netting, and plastic ties to construct these lightweight, two part covers for two of the box beds.
The Battle Continues . . .
It's  an elegant solution (I hope) to the problem. The picture below shows some shade cloth added for the lettuce.
The Battle Continues . . .
He says he can build taller ones for next year's peppers . . .
The Battle Continues . . .
Luckily the deer don't seem to like the peppers themselves . . . maybe they tried one of the jalapenos. And, except for flea beetles earlier, no one messes with the eggplant.
The Battle Continues . . .

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