Tomorrow the Amazon Kindle “Fire” tablet will be announced. This event will take place in New York at 10am. The tablet will be presented by Jeff Bezos, who confirmed that it will be until the second week of November that the table will be available to purchase in the United States. This move is just to have something fast to sale on the upcoming holiday season.
The team responsible for the design is one called “Lab 126″, but they dropped it to take care of next-gen E-Ink-based devices. The hardware is basically the same that can be found on a Blackberry Playbook, since they outsourced the design to the same OEM manufacturer: Quanta. Since the team Lab 126, dropped the designing task, Amazon had to take some shortcuts in terms of quality of the product.
The Kindle Fire is basically a 7 inches tablet with a dual core Texas Instrument processor. Regarding the OS, Amazon made its own taking as base Google Android OS 2.1. The final result is a beautiful and very well designed OS with access to the Android Market. In my opinion, the hardware is not very good at all, but we have to remember the first versions of the Kindle which cannot stand against the ones we have right now. So , we have to wait for the upgrades.

Out of weaknesses, we can find strengths. Since the hardware is not very good, its price is not very high. We can expect to find this gadget at the price of $250 to $300, amount that is conditioned to the inclusion of the Amazon Prime service on it which costs $79 per year.
I think that this is a good move to make Amazon another player into the now saturated tablet market. Honestly, they can do better in their tablet. Hardware is very important and even more on tablets. But since this is not an iPad killer and I don’t think Amazon is trying to build one, it is OK.
And what about you? what do you think about Amazon Kindle Fire?
Share you opinion in the comments section.