I have been a big fan of photography ever since I can remember. Although I didn't have a DSLR of my own, I make use of my digital camera. Most of my photos here in my blog is taken using my Sony Digital Camera. It makes my heart melt whenever someone praises my photos.
Last year I came across several photography projects. One of them is the 365 Project, wherein your going to take one picture a day to practice your photography skills. I was initially planning to do this using a phone if I can buy a new one, but then I came across this 365 Grateful Project. Unlike 365 Project which you will take one photo a day, in 365 Grateful Project you still take pictures every single day but with the things you are grateful for on that day. So I opt for the meaningful project. You can practice taking great photos while being thankful of the things around you.
This August, I will start my 365 Grateful Project using my new phone. Hope you guys will love it. Thanks to all the people behind the 365 Grateful Project. :)