Family Magazine

Thanksgiving Planning

By Nancy Bell @nancyfancyfree

It is the weekend before Thanksgiving, which means I need to get most of my grocery shopping done and ready to go on Thursday. I know the holidays aren’t an excuse to give up the healthy lifestyle I have created, but it is one of my favorite holidays and I do allow myself to indulge just a little bit. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and give thanks for everything we have and how we have grown.

This year is going to be a really special Thanksgiving. Bobby and Clara are coming home…YAY, and Clara’s boyfriend, my parents, my husband’s parents, and a couple my husband and I are friends with. Our friend’s child moved out years ago and always came back for the holidays, this year she is working in abroad and can’t make it home for the holidays so we welcomed them with open arms. I am excited to have a full house!

Luckily everyone offered to bring a dish or a dessert so I don’t have to cook and bake everything; Clara even offered again for the second year in a row.  I am making the turkey, three sides, and the drinks. It doesn’t seem like that much, but once I started writing down everything I need my list grew very fast!

I am excited to share some of our yummy family recipes with our friends this year.

This afternoon I ran to the store to pick up my list, I was surprised that is wasn’t that busy. I assumed it was going to be packed with people buying everything for Thanksgiving. I was in and out of the store in less than an hour, and that even including a little chat with a client I saw.

To stay organized with the ingredients I separated everything by dish and if it needed to be refrigerated. I saw this idea on Pinterest and gave it a try, hopefully when it comes time to start preparing all the dishes it will be easier!

With all this food in the house and knowing what we are going to be eating for Thanksgiving, I am going to make sure I eat healthy and exercise this week! Now I need to come up with something for dinner for tonight, wish me luck!


Until Next Time,

Thanksgiving Planning


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