Humor Magazine

Take a Cold Shower - I've Just Had Two!

By Davidduff

Honestly, there's no justice in this world not even from 'Him upstairs'!  I thought I would give the Churchyard grass a final cut before I leave tomorrow afternoon and what does He do?  He sends a bloody tropical rain shower which soaked me!  So now it's your turn.

If like me you were nurturing some hopes, albeit tiny ones, that we might - just - escape from this European imbroglio, then you can forget it, according to Mr. Simon Nixon of the WSJ.  He comfirms my own mordant suspicions  that should 'Dave' get back into office and attempt to change the terms of our 'captivity' (my word, not his, obviously), he will not get far and even if he does return 'triumphant' with a few baubles, the GBP (Great British Public) will lack the guts and self-confidence to vote for 'OUT':

But in reality, the risk of Brexit has decreased in recent months, despite Mr. Cameron's "cast-iron" commitment—repeated over the weekend—to hold an in/out referendum by the end of 2017. Since March, when voters have been asked how they would vote in that referendum, a small majority have said they would vote for the U.K. to stay in the EU, according to pollster YouGov. That is a notable shift since Mr. Cameron's pledge last year.

Why support for the EU is firming isn't clear. The Ukraine crisis may have played a role, highlighting the wider strategic dimension to membership. The recovery in the U.K. and euro-zone economies may also be helping cool public anger over past immigration, which has been fueling opposition to the EU. The failure of the euro zone to fall apart as many euroskeptics predicted has blunted their claim that the EU is a sinking ship.

So thanks for that Mr. Nixon, my second cold shower of the day!  There is, I think - I hope! - just one chance to swing things round to my way and that is another euro crisis.  Nothing has been solved in Europe with regard to their single currency for the simple reason that 'Kaiserin' Merkel will not commit Germany to underwrite it.  Snr. Draghi, the boss of the ECB, can talk the talk but sooner or later (I hope sooner) the markets will call his (and her) bluff.  So, you red-bracered ratbags in the City, get a grip and do your duty!  As the mob might chant:

'Waddawe' want?

 Another euro crisis!

When do we want it?

About 2016 would do, actually!

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