It's a very special treat. Tonight, I am sharing a guest post from one my closest friends. She is a busy mom of four (yes, four!) and she is sharing some of her beauty tips for "sweating pretty". Joanna was (and still is) the only pesron that will eat dessert first with me. We are friendship soulmates. Enjoy!
Joanna :)
I love everything beauty! I also love everything fitness. I am a firm believer that in order to sweat effectively, one must do so beautifully.This translates to skincare, makeup, hair and of course, outfit.
So, what I want to do is tell you my pre workout routine, which is just about as important as the actual workout itself!
The tips I am giving are quite general, if you have specific questions about what will work for your skin, makeup etc, or are interested in treating yourself to some spectacular eyelash extensions, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to email me at [email protected]
SKINCARE Whether you exercise or not, skincare is essential. The goal is to have smooth, healthy, supple skin. An effective skincare routine will consist of cleansing, exfoliating, a treatment (serum) and moisturizer. Most importantly, you must wear an SPF everyday...winter, spring, summer or fall! SPF (consisting of uva and uvb protection) is the single most important skincare product you can ever use!
Skincare also includes bodycare. One of the things I love about the gym is that even when it is -30c outside, us gym goers are still sweating and wearing tank tops and shorts. Therefore, we must always keep up with some of those pesky chores (like shaving our legs!) that non gym goers let fall to the wayside in the winter months.
Exfoliation is KEY to keeping our skin smooth and soft. Always exfoliate in the shower, from the neck down with a gentle body exfoliant. This will ensure a great shave and keep your skin looking gorgeous all year round.

I also love self tanner. I often use self tanner in the winter months to get rid of those winter blahs. (Remember, not all self tanners are created equal - Please email me for recommendations!)
MAKEUP I usually workout first thing in the morning, after dropping my kids off at school or daycare. So, I like to wear a bit of makeup simply because I have two drop off points in the morning. I am a makeup artist after all, and I think its really important to always "look the part". Even at 8am with 4 little ones in tow! Its really important to wear a healthy product on your skin. Do your research, read labels and pay more for a great makeup. I have a brand I swear by (email me for deets!). I generally wear primer, concealer, bronzer and lip gloss to the gym. It literally takes 2 minutes to apply and makes a world of a difference. My makeup never sweats off, and I usually just touch up my concealer and bronzer after the gym.
EYELASH EXTENSIONS I was going to include this in makeup, but I believe they deserve a heading of their own. Eyelash extensions make you 30% prettier when you wake up. If you don't have eyelash extensions, what in the world are you waiting for??? They are the easiest, no fuss, hottest beauty trend of the moment. If you do have eyelash extensions, please make sure they are being done by a reputable, certified technician. (No chop shop lashes, please). Lash extensions should never be damaging to your lashes, your lashes should grow naturally and beautifully if your technician is using reputable products. Again...if you have lash questions, please email me.

HAIR I never understood how women workout with their long hair down! All I can think of is gross, sweaty, hair sticking to your neck and back! I am a firm believer in keeping your hair up in a polished pony tail, cute pig tails or a baseball cap. Also, you don't necessarily have to wash and blow dry your hair after each workout (which can be quite damaging if you workout daily) if you put it up properly. Make sure to carry proper elastics and brush with you so you look great while working out and you can re-style post workout if necessary.

THE OUTFIT I could really go on and on about all the gym clothes "don't's". But I think one simple rule should cover all the bases - if its too small - DON'T wear it! We look thinner and cuter and fitter in clothes that suit our individual bodies. Its really uncomfortable to tug and pull on your ill fitting clothing as you are working out! Invest in your "classic" pieces and add cute trends every season. When you go shopping for your workout gear, go alone and get lots of opinions from strangers in the change room, They will likely be more (perhaps even brutally) honest with you, since they don't really care what you think about them at the end of the day! Check yourself from all angles and make sure you feel great squatting, lunging and lifting in your new get up.

I hope you enjoyed my tips and tricks for being a sweating beauty, I enjoyed sharing with you...truth is, I usually spend the remainder of my day running errands in my gym clothes after a morning workout since I feel so great in my workout gear.
Thanks Tara for inviting me to be a guest blogger!
xo Joanna
Joanna David
I'm a wife and busy mom to our four beautiful children ages 7, 3.5, 2 and 1. I am a makeup artist, lash technician and esthetician by trade. I love what I do because I believe that I can help a women see her true potential and beauty. I am a life long fitness enthusiast. Fitness and nutrition bring balance to my family's life. There's really nothing like a great workout or a super nutritious and delicious meal! Tara (me plus) and I have been friends since our university days and have shared in a few fitness (and other) adventures together!
I love sharing my knowledge and connecting with new people! Please email me [email protected]if you have any beauty questions.