Normal sweating is ok but fewer people you can found wet in sweat like if they have taken fresh bath. If you are really fed up of sweat then use these Summer Tips To Make Sweat Away and Stay Cool:
- WET WIPES AND POWDER: Use wet wipes to clean your face and put some tel-com powder. Use them in a balanced way not in excess.
- BODY CLEANLINESS: Wear Cotton clothes with some loose fitting. Take bath two times and use bath anti-oxidents in bath water. You can use Dettol liquid , lemon juice and rose petals(experienced).
- EAT AND DRINK HEALTHY: Do not eat too much spicy and non-veg food. Eat natural fruits specially citrus fruits and juices. Drink lots of water to keep your skin glow and strong appetite.
- BALANCED WEIGHT: Plus size/ people with more weight than normal usually sweat a lot..its a fact. But I am not agreed. Sweat comes to all whether slim or full size. Keep your body weight balanced, regular exercise and 15 minute walk can help a lot.
- USE GOOD DEO/PERFUME: It's must to use a good deo/perfume. It not only help you to make away sweat smell but puts a good impression on others and sometimes its that fragrance people reminds you and would like to talk and getting connect. Keep a pocket size pack always with you. It works wonder.
- CHANGE CLOTHES: Always have an extra tee,top,shirt if you carry a bag to change whenever you feel it's sweat wet. Its not a stupidity to do so as it will help you, your mind and your body fresh. Sweat will not irritate you anymore.
If these tips can not help then consult doctor.
Stay Sweat Free.
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