Lifestyle Magazine

Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''

By Ifyejindu

'It always seems impossible until it's done'Nelson Mandela
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
Hey beautiful people,Monday again...another new week as we countdown to the holidays, here's hoping it comes super fast because this girl right here is already celebrating Christmas as far as I'm concerned: I'm too psyched to be bothered about the stress and all the current activities around me.
Like I said in my last post, we are certainly back to regular posting schedules so it's that time for another "style on a budget" feature and in today's post, we have none other than Desola Mako of sharing with us her unique perspective concerning looking great on a budget. This is one lady that is just as nice as she is pretty and believe when I say that just as her fashion is effortless, so is everything about her. Honestly she is such a lovable person, easy to converse with and downright real...I'm pretty sure she knows I love her and if she doesn't, well now you know're a great soul. 
Before you folks crucify me for loving a beautiful soul, here's what she had to share with us...
1.  Give us an insight into your style...My style is versatile, I'm the girl who loves to play with every genre of fashion, from androgyny to Afrocentric to just being a girlie girl!
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
2.  Stylistas tend to have favorite style quotes or inspirational quotes, what's yours?I tend to make up quotes depending on what I'm really into; one of them will be..."don't buy what you can't afford! If it's your own it's your own!"

3.  What informs and inspires an outfit choice on a daily?Well I love comfort a lot. I like to be confident and being stylish, comfortable & attractive is the way I can enter anywhere and feel confident in myself.
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
4.  Are you a jeans-kinda girl or are you a regular girlie-girl?Like I mentioned I'm versatile with my style but I'm definitely the jeans girl, I like easy-breezy fashion so jeans and white blouses are my go-tos.
5  What questions do you ask yourself before making your next purchase?Once I like a piece of clothing, I ask myself further: Do I need it? Is it different? Is it versatile? Would I wear it? Is it worth the price? Do I have something similar? If the first five answers are 'Yes' and the last 'No', I'm good to purchase.
6.  When it comes to shopping for accessories, what's your guilty pleasure?
Everything is, from bags, shoes, belts, earrings, rings! I'm such a fashion girl that it's so difficult to choose my favorite fashion piece or guilty pleasure.
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
7.  Are you a shopper with a list, are you an impulsive shopper or just guilty of both?Well I have a lot of clothes and I presently own a vintage store so I'm more of an impulse shopper, if I see something I like and need and can afford, I buy it. But there are also rare situations when I realize I need a black jeans or white tee and then that goes on my many lists.
8.  What are your favorite places to shop when you are on a budget?My vintage store, lool! And my wardrobe! There is always something you can switch up in your wardrobe if you are. Ring very sincere with yourself! And my vintage store has so many unique pieces under 3k that it's just the easiest thing looking through its racks! Outside that, it would be boutiques around my house that I have tested for quality.
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
9.  What's your take on the current #BuyNigerian movement? Believer or Skeptic?I'm presently running a 30 days of Nigerian fashion campaign on my website so I'm definitely all for it! What I find most interesting is how much Nigerian fashion brands have to offer in terms of quality and designs. A lot of Nigerian brands are doing such good work and can compete with international brands so yes let's all #BuyNigerian.
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''

10.  Who is that one person you feel can relate to your specific style, someone we might refer to as your fashion soul-sister?I have three people presently and two out of them may seem like clichés, I think Lisa Folawiyo and Solange Knowles are my fashion soul-sisters because I haven't seen one outfit they wear that I won't wear and lastly Giovanna Battaglia is my absolute fashion future soul sister, her attitude with fashion and her wardrobe are my future goals!
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
11.  What are your favorite Local and International fashion brands?Wow this would be too long a list but to keep it in the family, I would say Titi Belo and Byge Collections are two Nigerian brands that create pieces for my soul! Everything they offer is always so breathtaking for me! Them along with all the designers I have collaborated with for my 30 days of Nigerian Fashion campaign. International brands I love are brands that create really quirky shoes and accessories! And I can't begin to name them all!
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
12.  What is the most important lesson learned from your style journey so far?It would be that Style is a talent! Not everyone has it and if you have it, don't loose it, don't dilute it, don't force it & don't live by rules! Style is also not just about fashion so that means everyone can have it, it's the identity you wear or the way you write or draw or sing... it's like your own fingerprint. No matter how similar it is to that of others, it's different from theirs. Have fun with it and don't apologize for it!
Style On A Budget || Desola Mako of ''
There you have it folks...I particularly love her last quote: "Have fun with it and don't apologize for it"...that's pretty much the way I live my life.
You can follow her personal page on instagram @dee_mako or check out her Vintage store @hdhqgoods and you'll fall in complete love.
Thanks again Dee for taking time out to do this, I'm sending a million kisses your way.
Until my next blogger feature,
Hugs and Sugar from my cubicle,
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Foodie Chronicles || La Spiga at Le Maison Fahrenheit
Ensemble || Black Out
Ensemble || Peplums In October
Ensemble || Feathers And Denim
Ensemble || Kimono Sunshine
If Only I Were A Boy
Ensemble || Of Throwbacks And Bell Sleeves
Foodie Chronicles || Sakura Restaurant
Foodie Chronicles || 411 Restaurant & Bar
Weekly Wanderings || Lekki Arts And Craft Market

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