Family Magazine

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

By Nancy Bell @nancyfancyfree

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I need to make sure I stay on track with my healthy lifestyle.  I can’t even imagine how terrible a family party already packed with people would be if I got a hot flash right in the middle of it.  I am going to make a commitment to myself to stay on track.  I have loved the way I feel each day I am focusing on me and my health so I am not going to let the holidays change that.


I am making commitments and goals for myself this holiday season.  Instead of keeping them to myself, I am going to share them with all of you so I can be held accountable.  Hopefully it works! Here are my 5 commitments and goals to abide by this holiday season
1.    I need to make sure I plan time for exercise.  Since beginning working out I have noticed a positive change in my stress and my menopausal symptoms.  I am going to try to make sure I exercise at least three times a week for about an hour.
2.    With food so abundant everywhere, I need to make sure that I am conscious about what I am eating and how much.  I have come so far with my healthy lifestyle I don’t want to fall off the track.  I am going to make sure that I eat until I’m satisfied and not stuffed.
3.    Drinks have so many hidden calories and sugar.  I have been doing well drinking water and only having one cup of coffee a day.  I need to make sure I focus on drinking water and only having a FEW yummy holiday drinks!
4.    Munching is a problem for me.  With an array of delicious appetizers it is hard to stop.  By the time were about to sit down to eat, I am usually full from the appetizers.  I am really going to try to control that, and if I do eat them to eat fruits and veggies instead of the cheesy and hearty ones.
5.    Lastly, I am going to focus on having the best holiday because my children are going to be here so much in the next two months! I AM SO EXCITED!

So here they are…I am going to be honest and try to follow them; number 5 shouldn’t be too difficult.  I will make sure to tell you about my highs and lows this holiday season.  Keep me accountable friends!

Until next time,

Staying Healthy during the Holidays

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