Go on, you know it'll do you good! There's nothing quite like standing under a steady stream of ice-cold intelligence to wash away the confusions and complications that bedevil your brain when you try to think about some of the complexities of our contemporary world. Take Europe, for example - yeeeeeees, quite! What are we to do about it? And how are we to do it? There isn't just a devil in the detail, there's a whole tribe of self-replicating, malignant, little imps laying traps for the unwary. So, as Mr. Moore advises, it is crucial that the 'Outers' think long and hard and carefully as they martial their forces prior to a referendum. We have seen in Scotland what happens when you rely on passion and 'patriotism' alone - you lose!
What is essential, according to Mr. Moore, is that the 'Outers' have a very detailed and carefully planned alternative for Britain that will stand up to the very sharp and perceptive questioning with which it will be bombarded, just the opposite, in fact, of what happened to the 'fat, wee chancer' in Edinburgh who simply had no coherent answers only bluff and bluster and who thereby lost. If we get a referendum we will need the analytical skills of the likes of John Redwood MP to ensure that the British people believe that there is a well worked-out alternative to the status quo. On the whole, Brits, or at least, the majority English, are 'conservative' with a small 'c' and they will not be moved to 'revolution' simply by the blast of Nigel Farage's trumpet!
That said, however, Mr. Moore finishes on a gloomy prognostication:
The present state of affairs is this. There probably won’t be a referendum and, if there is, the insurgents probably won’t win it. Only if they really accept the magnitude of the task will they find the resources to prove this prediction wrong.