Folded up paper and cutting holes in it to create a beautiful star or snowflake shape is a popular craft for a great reason. It is worth knowing a few different ways to fold up the paper to make the most of this technique to create some exciting different results!

This fold is called the snowflake fold.
Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally.

Fold the two sides across so they point up and cross each other like below. I am sure you could measure to get some precise place to fold, but I don’t think you need to. I did gently fold the long side and pinch at the half way point to mark it with a crease so I knew where to start folding the two sides across. Then I just lined them up across each other roughly before pressing the folds.

Turn over and draw some cut lines or just start cutting. Drawing does help plan where you are going but there is value in just cutting without a plan to start with to see what happens, this will help knowing how to plan the cuts.

Cut out the shapes.

Gently unfold and you have a beautiful star shape.