Where on Earth is Spring at? Clearly not in Melbourne all I have seen is a whole heap of rain and being stuck indoor with the munchkins.
After about day 3 of the rain the girls were totally sick of being stuck indoors and were just at each other’s throats (like a pack of blood thirsty mini Drac’s). So I was thinking what on Earth could I do to kill some time and keep them entertained (and quiet)!I wanted something that would keep in the theme we have going on with Halloween but also get them a little crafty as they love their craft.
My verdict? All of about $25 was spent and it bought me around 2 hours of coffee and couch time. How? A trip to Big W to get two plain t-shirts/singlets and a couple of masks of course.

Hayley’s singlet was like $5 I think and Madison’s was around the $4 mark for the plain white ones. The masks were $10 for the day of the dead and $5 for Frankenstein monster.
Now I intentionally got one gruesome one and one pretty one as I know Madison would spook herself as soon as she went near the monster mask- and when I got home I was right.
In front of me I had two plain singlets and thought how will I make these last longer then an hour…
Day Of The Dead T-Shirt

WHAT YOU WILL NEEDA plain white t-shirt or singletPermanent markers (can use clothing markers)
I did some Google imaging for this one to find some patterns I could easily copy onto the plain tee. Within minutes I had the black marker our drawing a skull and simple details on the inside. This is what I came up with- you don’t need to have Picasso skills for this one quite clearly.

Madison thought this was the bee’s knees and was straight into her craft corner with her markers colouring away. Do you know how great 2 hours of no fighting, not a sound from a 5 year old is???? Complete bliss I tell you.

Once Madison was finished with her creation she wouldn’t take it off and parades it around telling everyone she made it.
We did use waterproof markers but I think with this one I will wash it on its own just to be sure the colours don’t bleed with my other washing- I just don’t trust it.
Frankenstein’s Monster Singlet

WHAT YOU WILL NEEDA plain white t-shirt or singletClothing Dye in green and red
Hayley is a little more advanced then Madison and colouring in and drawing on a t-shirt just wouldn’t cut it for her. So I needed to come up with an idea on how she could make this singlet match her mask

This is where I gave her two bowls of dye and clean bench. I wrote out easy to follow instructions and the rest was her imagination.
So what she started off by doing is submerging the entire singlet into green dye (we used clothing dye from Spotlight) and just getting the whole singlet a nice bright green.

Then came in the red dye, which Hayley thought instead of painting she would create a splatter effect down the front looking like blood splatters. And she then dipped her entire hand in the dye (she was wearing latex gloves the entire time) and made a couple of bloody handprints.
All that was left to do was to hang it outside to dry, it was just that simple.
So this is how we killed time and absolutely aced the do-it-yourself Halloween Tops.
Instead of using masks like we did you could add some extra time to your time off by creating some awesome Halloween makeup like these on the Cruise Tips by Carnival has-https://cruisetips.carnival.com.au/carnival-fun/halloween/mimic-the-monster-halloween-makeup-edition/