Okay, I admit it. I love coffee.
And I don’t mean I have a crush on it. I mean I oh-my-heavens-sweep-me-off-my-feet love it.
I know what you’re thinking, is that even healthy? While there are better options out there (green tea, for example), coffee isn’t bad for you in moderation. In fact, it has many perceived benefits:
1) Lowered risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes
2) Speeds up recovery after colon surgery.
3) Helps prevent the chance of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
4) Lowered risk of prostate cancer and endometrial cancer.
5) Lowered risk of developing Parkinson’s.
Just to name a few.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should consume a double java chip Frappuccino with whipped cream daily (every once in a while is okay). Rather, these benefits come from streamlined coffee drinks, not exceeding three cups a day. Once again: moderation is key.
Also, don’t jam-pack your coffee with calorie-rich creamers and artificial sweeteners. Go for low-fat milk and organic sugar instead. This will help cut your daily calorie and fat consumption, especially if you drink multiple cups a day (like me!).
Here’s an added bonus. Check out some of the healthier options at Starbucks:

Peace, love, and health,

Image Sources: photopin.com and shrinkingkitchen.net