Food & Drink Magazine

Spicy Tomato Soup

By Thefoodiecoupleblog


In my effort to eat more fruit and vegetables, (we’re now supposed to eat 7+ portions a day don’t you know!) I’ve decided to start cooking more soups. They’re perfect for a weekend lunch and you can pack them full of the vegetables you need. And the leftovers make an easy weekday lunch to take to work and heat up.

This Spicy Tomato Soup has a hefty kick of chilli heat as well the warmth of cumin and is really delicious. Perfect with some fresh crusty bread, or a Middle Eastern Flatbread. You can easily add a little less chilli if you’re not keen on spicy food as well.

I based my recipe on this one here from BBC Food website, but made a few changes here and there to spice it up just that little bit more!

The changes I made were using 1 scotch bonnet chilli in place of one of the red chillies, and also adding in 1/2 tsp of both cumin powder and coriander powder when softening the onions. I left out the oven roasted tomatoes to garnish the soup as I didn’t have enough time.

The fresh coriander worked well, but I think I would add a little more as the taste was not that strong.

Happy eating :)




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