Hair & Beauty Magazine

Sparklicity Shimmer Dust-Tarina Tarantino

By Stephanie1 @NewBeautyReview
I wasn't going to write this week because I got the flu. Ugh! I'm talking fever, chills, cough, laryngitis...the works! I slept for most of Tuesday & Wednesday and have had little energy to do more than send a few tweets & post my "Lip Of The Day" on Pinterest and facebook.
I started feeling a little better yesterday but woke up again feeling icky. I was all set to be a lump today and not do much when a Sephora box showed up at my door...
I'm thinking it was about 2 weeks ago when I ordered the Sparklicity Shimmer Dust, by Tarina Tarantino. It's a shimmer dust for the face, body & hair. I had already bought the Sparklicity Pure (in Gold) which is for the eyes, cheeks and lips, a few weeks back.
I love sparkles!! For as far back as I can remember, I've always associated sparkles with being a wonderful, magical princess! That's my Mom's fault for telling me and my sister that we were real princesses...Lol!
I love diamonds (for a few reasons) but mainly because of the way they sparkle in the light. I love that prismatic glow that gets captured the moment light meets gem. It's like watching time stand still.
When I first saw the Sparklicity collections I was intrigued because they looked like the perfect shimmer/sparkle combination. I knew I had to try them first because I didn't want to end up with chunky glitter all over myself. Don't get me wrong, I love glitter but I'll leave that to little girls. I like it sometimes on my nails and here and there but I don't feel the need to have it all over my face, especially for an everyday look. Been there, done that!
After I had a chance to play with the products I realized they were really well made! I was impressed with how they tested and even more so with how they ended up wearing.
What I love about these sparkly treats is how finely milled they are so you don't feel weighed down with heavy glitter. They're so feminine and pretty, you can't help but feel dazzling while wearing just the smallest drop.
I can still get my sparkle fix without looking like a 5 year old who was let loose in a craft store! :-)
I look forward to squeezing a few sprays of this magical fairy dust (as I'm now going to call it) on before a fun night out. I'm not sure if I'd wear it during the day for no reason, but definitely for a night time adventure!
It comes in 3 shades: Gold, Bronze and Original. I got the original which has a pinkish/silvery tone to it. It reminded me of crushed diamonds...Lol!
You can also get refills when you run out, they're sold separately.
The bottle is so lightweight and the atomizer affect is brilliant!
Sparklicity Shimmer Dust-Tarina Tarantino
  Keep it pretty!

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