Fitness Magazine

Something Off

By Khourianya @khourianya
For the past few weeks, something has been off with me.   I have been really tired and grumpy and prone to dizzy spells and headachey and body achey.  I thought maybe it might have something to do with the sugar wean, but it wasn't making sense.  Then, I thought maybe I had pushed myself too hard for that 5k PB...but that didn't feel right either.  I was about to call my doctor to set up an appointment.
Luckily, I work on a health care website in my real world job and when I was doing some start of month updates for May - I started reading something I was updating and then I had an epiphany and quickly pulled up the page on Iron Deficient Anemia.
Yeah - I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.  As a vegetarian, I've had anemic spells before.  Usually I catch it while I am just tired but I've been very busy and not eating great and too tired to cook or do anything and then the dizzy spells started to eclipse everything.   Once I made the connection and compared my symptoms, I feel like such a dummy.
So today, I took a second rest day and tonight I will start combating the anemia.   And, hopefully, it will turn around quickly so I can get back to being me.

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