I refer, of course, to that old political adage, American in origin, I believe, to the effect that it was better to have 'Mr. Ratbag' pissing out of the tent than pissing in. Rumour has it that when it came to that political thug, Tom Watson MP, 'Gulpy Ed' was definitely too "frit" to allow the bruiser to leave the tent and he begged him to stay inside with the rest of the Labour team. Needless to say, an ineffectual wimp like 'Gulpy ' wasn't going to dominate a man who had already disposed of one Labour leader even when the leader in question was the prime minister, and also forced my mate Rupe to come to London to answer questions! So now the old beast is free to wander the political jungle and sink his nasty fangs into anyone he chooses. Of course, who he chooses might be decided in conjunction with his old flat-mate and political buddy, 'Bruvver' McLusky of the UNITE union, the sole proprietor of the Labour party! Mind you, quite how long 'Bruvver' McLusky will hang on to his union power will depend on how certain investigations into what appears to be the highly toxic situation in the Falkirk constituency Labour party which is, I would remind you, only the first of many more shit sandwiches prepared by UNITE that Labour now has to chew on - and you can rely on the Tories and their newspaper chums to insist that they do.
After last Wednesday I am beginning to think that Prime Minister's Question Time should come with warnings that it contains scenes of brutality. The sight and sound of poor little 'Gulpy' being beaten up by that Old Etonian bully was quite horrific even if I was bouncing up and down in my armchair shouting, "Give 'im one from me!" I lost count of the number of times 'Dave' rammed the words 'McLusky' and 'UNITE' down poor little 'Gulpy's' throat. According to Ian Martin in The Telegraph the Tories intend to "Kinnockise" Miliband which, given his general uselessness, shouldn't be too difficult to do. 'Many a slip twixt cup and lip' and all that sort of thing but if matters continue the way they are 'Dim Dave' could, just, be the luckiest prime minister ever in 2015.