Shortly after I made myself coffee, I looked up and - sure enough - it had started to snow. Big fat snowflakes. The kind that make big fat snowmen. I was going to be a snow day.

We decided we would waste the morning and then go on a family date day. So bundled up and headed to the used bookstore in town.

I'm pretty sure all of us were soaked by the time we got there. It may be snowing, but it might as well be rain for all of the puddles we trudged through.

and then, when we were done hunting through the disorganized and cramped stacks of books - we hit the Prairie Grounds for a coffee and pastry fix.

Hubby had brought his fancy camera along and, on the way home, the girls hammed it up for him.

and one from me...Doodle wanted me to draw a "love heart" for her. Then she traced it.

When we finally got home and changed out of our soaked clothes - it was time for me to do some writing. This is the first year that I don't really have a dedicated office space so I didn't know where I could find some peace...I finally decided I would just commandeer hubby's office and get cracking.
Of course - he has a remote controller for his computer installed on his phone so it took a bit for me to find peace as he decided photoboothing me would be fun.

apparently that meant he had to retaliate with the chipmunk filter...

So pretty...but after that he left me along to write. Bring on the pomodoro timer!

So I have added another 1800 words to the manuscript. I'm not done for the day...but it's a good start. Now to beat Keith...