So this review was requested by The Beauty Shelf, you can check out her blog here.

I have had this little beauty for quite some time now, but I had been wanting it for ages! I bought this because I wanted a matte bronzer that I could contour with, and thought this seemed like a cute little duo! This actually comes in a box with instructions on, but I threw this away. I think that was a nice touch because it made the product seem more high end and classy. I think the packaging of this is well, sleek! It is very sturdy and I have never had a problem with this when traveling. I love the fact that it is black and doesn't look cheap like some drugstore products do. I also love the fact that it has a mirror, as this is a big plus for me.
I think it is a great idea to have the bronzer & highlighter in one compact because it means you only have to carry one product around instead of two, and I am suprised other drugstore brands haven't jumped at this idea.
Now onto the product, I bought mine in the shade 'light' but there are two other colours available, 'medium' and 'dark'. The difference between the three shades is the bronzer gets darker, and the highlighter becomes more golden toned. The bronzer is very pigmented, but don't let this scare you off because it blends out very easy, and you can make it more sheer easily. It has a very creamy texture for a powder bronzer and isn't at all chalky, I love this because it means it looks less cakey on the face than a typical bronzer.
Now onto the highlighter, I love this highlighter because it isn't too shimmery and is very nice for when you don't want a really obvious highlighter, and just want a subtle glow. The only problem with the highlighter for me is that it can create some fallout and is slightly chalky, but this isn't too big a problem because at £6.49 this is an absolutely bargain, and it is not super chalky.
I am extremely impressed with this product, and I think it is a must have in any makeup collection, I am overall very impressed with Sleek Makeup as a whole and I think it is great that they cater for a whole different range of skintones, from very pale to very dark which is unusual as most drugstore brands don't cater for people with darker skins so I think it is great that there is finally a brand that does!
Thanks for reading
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