Hair & Beauty Magazine

Skinfood - Watery Berry Range Review

By Ireviewuread

Note: Throughout this review, I may sometimes refer to watery berry as water berry in the pictures or in context because of a slight mistake so yah…


Way back in April, Skinfood had a new outlet opening at Bugis and I got an invite to attend! (Nope this is not a trip/event post)

Anyhow, upon attending their store’s opening, I got this huge bag of goodies containing a packet of Watery Berry Range samples, a Box of Cotton and a Fresh Juice Pomegranate Lip Gloss! (The lip gloss is bright pink and have a wonderful scent! [This is not a review on the lip gloss so moving on~] )

Note: If you want me to do a review on the lip gloss, just leave a comment below!


Here’s what’s in the Watery Berry SkinCare Range samples! They even provide samples for men instead of just the ladies!

Red satchels: For ladies!

Blue Satchels: For men!

Note: I’ll only be reviewing Watery Berry Skincare Range for ladies today :)


On top of that, I also got this Fresh Apple Mild Pore Peeling Gel from Skinfood as a sign of their gratitude to me, for I did a review on their Fresh Apple Sparkling Pore Kit set  (Aww, how thoughtful).

I may review this in the future like way way in the future!

Anyways, let’s finally move on to the main point of this post! It’s to review the Watery Berry Skin care Range from Skinfood!

Basically, this skincare range is for you to have a Soft and Glowing Skin by using Berry Extracts and Sodium Hyalurone.

On top of that, this Watery Berry range is more recommended to people who have skin which is lack of hydration and combination skin types (OK that’s what I’ve inferred from the tons of information which I’ve read about the Watery Berry Skincare line) .


The Watery Berry Skincare Range contains:

  1. Watery Berry Toner
  2. Watery Berry Eye Cream
  3. Watery Berry Serum
  4. Watery Berry Emulsion
  5. Watery Berry Ampoule
  6. Watery Berry Blending Cream (There are 2 creams for this 1!)

If you have no idea what to apply first, you should follow the order which I state above! and How use this is to simply pour the samples INDIVIDUALLY into your palms and smooth over your entire face! The directions to use the samples are the same for Toner, Serum, Emulsion and Ampoule. For the Eye Cream just apply your desire amount and press gently against your eye area. For the Blending Cream instructions, please scroll down below to the review section for I will elaborate more on that there!  


Let’s start with the Watery Berry Toner!


Basically, this Watery Berry Toner looks like any other toner and hydrates your skin. One thing which differentiate this toner from any other toner would be this toner gives out a wonderfully fragrance sweet berry smell !


Second step in, the Watery Berry Eye Cream! This eye cream is very silky, smooth and creamy. The Watery Berry Eye Cream smells exactly like the toner (Sweet berry smell). At that time when I applied this, my eye area definitely did not have any wrinkles so this eye cream helps with preventing wrinkles and hydrating my under eye skin.  

Next in line is supposed to be the Watery Berry Serum however I seemed to have forgotten to take a photo of it so here’s just a short review:

Smells like the previous 2 product and it’s cloudy looking. You actually can’t really differentiate the differences between the Serum and Emulsion so I guess if you have the serum and the emulsion, you can actually only use either one of them for your basic daily skincare routine for their functions are similar too.


Now the Watery Berry Emulsion! Like the above 3 products, the emulsion have a sweet berry scent. However, this scent is as strong as the others. Works land looks like the serum.


Next in line, the Watery Berry Ampoule! You can actually use this as a moisturizer before makeup. It’s very cooling upon application and quite easily absorbed. Like the Emulsion, it does not give off a strong berry smell. Instead it smells and feels a little more gel like then the others.


Last but not least, the Watery Berry Blending Cream! For this watery Berry Blending Cream, there’s actually 2 creams in which you have to put. The Nutrition Cream is the Creamy White one and the Transparent Cream is the Gel-Like Transparent one. The Nutrition Cream is for dry skin and the transparent cream is for the oilier part of your skin.

You are NOT to apply the creams separately. Instead you are supposed to mix the cream in this proportion (if you have normal skin)=

Transparent Cream : Nutrition Cream

   2  : 1     

If you have an oiler skin or a drier skin, please apply accordingly (Like applying more transparent cream or nutrition cream in the mixture).

For the creams, I feel that these creams a very well thought through to cater to different people skin type. (Plus don’t you think that the transparent cream look so shiny and nice?) On top of that, there’s not much scent coming from both the transparent and nutrition cream.

Skinfood - Watery Berry Range Review

Overall, I would give this skincare range 3 and a half IreviewUread Smiles for I felt that this skincare range really helps in hydrating one’s face and it has a wonderful sweet berry smell, but for me, I didn’t really see the glow in my face after I’ve finished the samples. Plus I think that with that many steps in a skincare routine, they should provide and instruction booklet (I had to find the steps of this skincare routine online).

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