Food & Drink Magazine

Simple Supper Tuesday Linky Party #23

By Cookingfromasahm
Welcome back to Simple Supper Tuesday, the party featuring QUICK, EASY recipes, perfect for those busy weeknights. So, please share your crock pot, 30 minutes or 5 ingredient recipes (easy desserts are also welcome)!!! Simple Supper Tuesday Linky Party #23 
I am happy to be co-hosting with 2 other fantastic bloggers....
Cindy Hun Whats For Dinner
Nettie Moore Or Less Cooking Blog
The Party Rules1.Please link up Crock Pot and/or EASY recipes only (simple desserts are also welcome) 2.Please link back to THIS post on Hun... What's for Dinner? 3.Please use link to direct recipe, not to your home page. 4.Please visit others and leave comments if a recipe catches your eye  5.Any post that DOES NOT contain a recipe or food tutorial, will be deleted
Recipes that caught my eye:
Simple Supper Tuesday Linky Party #23
Pizza Spaghetti Bake from Cooking in the Burbs 
Simple Supper Tuesday Linky Party #23
Sloppy BBQ Sandwiches from Huddlenet Simple Supper Tuesday Linky Party #23
Caprese Paninis from Salt and Pepper Moms

An InLinkz Link-up

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