Health Magazine

Silent No More (three Word Wednesday)

By Darcsunshine

Silent no more (three word wednesday)DarcSunshine:

Abuse awareness. Silence hides violence

Silent no more (three word wednesday)Originally posted on Head Games:

Silent no more (three word wednesday)

 The child stood in the doorway wet and covered in mud. She was shivering and there was blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She kept her head down and moved quickly across the room hoping that no one would notice her. When she reached her bedroom she finally exhaled and let the sob that had been trapped in her throat free. She made her way to bathroom making sure not to draw attention to herself and crawled silently into the bathtub. She huddled in the corner of big claw footed tub and pulled the shower curtain up far enough to hide her from anyone looking from the doorway. She looked at the state of her clothing and try to brush away the mud and straighten the buttons on her shirt. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly to her. She placed her cheek against the cold porcelain and cried…

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Silent no more (three word wednesday) Silent no more (three word wednesday) Silent no more (three word wednesday)

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