Humor Magazine

Should 'Dim Dave' Wear a Red Nose?

By Davidduff

I ask because there has been some clown-like hilarity in his response to recent events.  First, he spent several days flexing his muscles and pronouncing his absolute and determined opposition to the appointment of 'Juncker the Drunker' as Chief Honcho to the EU.  Whilst cutting this masculine pose and, so to speak, flashing his pecs 'n' abs, the other EU leaders sneaked up behind him and whipped his pants down.  The next thing we see - and I still can't quite believe the photo - he is greeting 'his new best friend', the afore-mentioned 'Junker the Drunker', with a high five!  And this buffoon pretends to be the Prime Minister of Great Britain.  One thinks back to several truly distinguished predecessors and imagines that they must be wriggling with embarrassment in their after-life.

Then we have 'Mr. Macho', pursing his tiny little lips and frowning fiercely into the cameras as he rages against the wickedness of 'Vlad the Impaler', urging - nay, almost ordering - his fellow EU leaders, especially the French, to sacrifice economic activites with Russia as a punishment for the downing of Flight MH17.  It then transpires that Britain has an enormous number of Anglo-Russian trade deals including some hefty armaments contracts.  It also becomes known that the Tory party is up to its trouser pockets in contributions from Russian oligarchs domiciled in Britain which - natch! - they refuse to return.

On reflection, perhaps, a gag might work better than the red nose, or better still, a hood so that I need never look on that silly man ever again!


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