The question going around is if CM Punk will face John Cena for the WWE title at Hell in a Cell, but should he face him? Legends like Mick Foley and Jim Ross have told the WWE Champion if he wanted to be called the Best in the World he needed to beat John Cena in Hell in a Cell. Are they right? Does CM Punk needs to win against Cena on Hell in a Cell? No, CM Punk doesn’t need another match against Cena to be called the Best in the World.
During his interactions with Mick Foley and Jim Ross the WWE Champion has stated that he doesn’t need to prove himself against a man that he has beaten on multiple occasions. When he says this he is right, he doesn’t need to prove anything because for almost a year he has held the WWE Championship and has beaten all his challengers. Why does he needs to beat John Cena? Isn’t John Cena the one that needs to beat him?
Having CM Punk vs John Cena once again wouldn’t be a bad idea, having them face each other in the Hell in a Cell makes sense because the Cell was made for it. The Hell in a Cell is brutal match in which the men involved want to beat each other up until the other is totally broken. John Cena and CM Punk want to inflict pain to the other that’s why this match would be a perfect fit to end the Punk/Cena feud for 2012. But that doesn’t mean that it make sense that to cement his legacy CM Punk has to beat Cena again in Hell in a Cell. If he does that will they call him Best in the World or will they tell him he has to face Cena again on Survivor Series?
How many times you have to beat a guy to prove you’re better than him? In sports like Boxing and MMA one time or two, but on Wrestling looks like five times might show people who is the best. But looking down on things neither of these two have had a match with a “clean” winner. CM Punk beat John Cena at Money in the Bank thanks to Vince’s appearance at the end of the match, at Summerslam CM Punk beat John Cena even when his foot was on the ropes, a week after at Raw Kevin Nash distracted Punk and Cena got the win, a year later on Raw 1,000 Big Show interfered on their match and finally at Night of Champion the match ended in a draw. Technically they’re 2-1-2, they have two wins, one draw and two losses since Money in the Bank. Just for that you can understand why another match between the two of them would be so important for Punk, Cena is the established man and Punk is the man who had fought against everything to be where he is at.
Should CM Punk face John Cena in Hell in a Cell? Yes he should face him. Sure he is right but because of it he should face John Cena. He should face him in the most brutal structure in wrestling history and not beat him, but destroy him to prove he is the best. All this past weeks he has said that he is the most dangerous man in the WWE and no one has taken it seriously, but on Hell in a Cell he can prove it. If he faces John Cena again he has the chance to prove that he indeed is a dangerous man.