I ask in light of the current left turn, right turn, about turn, state of the parliamentary Conservative party led by the intrepid Capt. Mainwaring ooops, sorry, I mean David Cameron as they march, or rather, stumble their way towards Europe. Good job Cameron wasn't in charge of the D-day invasion force, we would probably have attacked America!
This whole shambles must have them falling off their chairs with laughter in Brussels. How they must be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of 'Dim Dave', assuming he wins the next election, coming over to renegotiate Britain's links with the EU. By the time it's over he'll be lucky to come back clutching his Y-fronts to hide his nakedness! It is a typical example of what ensues when you have a problem of geo-political importance and the man in charge has absolutely no idea of what to do because he has no fundamental beliefs to guide him.
Even so, that leaves us, the pbv (the poor bloody voters) with a problem. Let us suppose that Dave and his party, between them, make a pretty definite pledge of an in/out referendum if they win the next election. I use the phrase 'pretty definite' because we all know what lying liars they are. Also, it assumes that Dave will still be leader by the next election - definitely not a given! Well, let's suppose, in which case the question is - who do we vote for? We all know deep in our hearts that UKIP will not win enough seats to form a government so a vote for them will punish the Tories but likely achieve a Lab-Lib coalition which will definitely not give us a referendum. Equally, it may result in yet another Tory-Lib coalition and again, coalition politics being what they are - crooked! - that will give Dave an excuse because the Lib-Dems will oppose him. So the question is, should we all hold our noses and vote Tory?
I have a sinking feeling that might be the only answer.