Self Expression Magazine

Selling Ghostkeeper 2

By Myfilmproject09
Selling Ghostkeeper 2I thought I should give you some ideas as to how I and my partner in Canada are attempting to raise funding for Ghost Keeper 2, the sequel to my 1980 Ghostkeeper. The card above is what I'm initially using to email to every distributor that I can find, including several I already know.
The information above is about as tight as I can get in a card form. In it I go back to GKPR 1 and then add GKPR 2, followed by the financing information. I also include a full page version and an even fuller 19 pages for those readers who want to know more. I didn't include these in this blog mostly because it's too much text to read.
You'll notice above that I changed titles from Ghostkeeper 1 to the sequel Ghost Keeper 2. The reason for this was that I discovered a rock band fronted by a musician who's name was actually Ghostkeeper. This caused a lot of confusion when googling the movie so I decided to split the word into two words - thus Ghost Keeper.
I'll go over this for those of you who are new to the blog (yes, there are new readers in spite of the 40 followers. FYI there are anywhere from 150 up to 300 or so who drift in a and out. Anyways; 
What we're looking for at this stage are a few distributors who might  be interested in selling Gkpr 2 after it's made. Normally a distributor will write a letter saying they might be interested in selling the movie or that they want to sell the movie. 
At this point all that's needed is a letter. It's not really hard to get a letter saying that they "might" want to distribute a film but it's a little harder actually getting a distrib to sell the film.
Distributors always ask for impossible elements; meaning big name stars. Well, that's not gonna happen with GKPR 2, although we do have a very viable name actor who just might do a small role. More on him later.
And Tom Cruise isn't going to do GKPR 2 even though distibutors seem to think he and other major stars will happily go into any movie.
What I have to convince the distribs is that GKPR 1 had a resurgance a few years ago which ended up in a 30th Anniversary DVD made from the actual 35mm print and had added "extras" such as commentary with the two principal actors and myself.
In addition, there was a great extra featuring the "Ghostkeeper" herself, a wonderful actress named Georgie Collins who at 86, talks about the movie. There's also an extra with DP John Holbrook, who shot GKPR 1.
So, with those elements above and video trailers that you can see in the Materials box on the left side of this blog, you can get a bit of what it takes to find the money to make the movie.
We do have a better chance than beginners, but I'm also wary about funding as I really got killed in that Kickstarter episode last year. This time we're going to the people who do fund movies. Our fan base is modest to say the most but you don't get to make a movie by sitting around and hoping.
I'm going to be working on GKPR 2 as my primary job, at least until I have to do a rewrite on another project I wrote for an actor.
 The movie would be filmed in Alberta Canada as was the original and the schedule would be around the end of November, 2014 with a finished film sometime in late January.

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