Let me tell a little story.
Last August, a Japanese came to our office. She was inviting people to apply for the HiPeC-BM programme. So, I applied. I didnt really expect anything. I just wanted to try my luck to go to Japan. :) Guess, I am extra blessed. I got into the 34 accepted applicants.
Then, Davao.
There were like gazillion mind-boggling quizzes, exams, and a workshop. Quizzes and exams were essays. The challenge is to write a very concise and brief answer. Why? Because Japanese are really direct to the point kind of people! It is really hard to do that, you know. On the workshop, we were asked to look for issues, criticize issues chosen by another participant, make resolution, enhance resolution of another participant. All of which, we will do in 1, 2 or 5 minutes. Difficult is an understatement.
Then the finale has come. The announcement of successful participants to go to Hiroshima, Japan next year.
#5 was called. It was written on the white board.

Alee and Ate Nawe, my super amazing roomies. #room327

Workshop details plus schedule

Workshop details plus schedule


Certificate time.


Amazing people are amazing!


Ms. Meg

Ma sha Allaah.I still can't believe everything. It's like everything just fell into right place.
Lastly, lemme put in here what I posted in my FB account:
"I realized that whenever I have full trust in myself and in the qadr of Allaah, I will always get what I fathom. Ma sha Allaah. I've always lived in my tiny cocoon ever since I started college. It prolly rooted from my frustrations (not being able to take interior designing). I have to start my metamorphosis now and be that free and beautiful butterfly. Guess I am working through it. Alhamdulillah, In a month time I would be able to experience Japanese design. Get a closer look of a japanese dojo (my dream home, with a touch of Tausug culture). Wear kimono. Eat sushi. Learn Niponggo.
All of these, I am soon to experience just because I started believing in myself again and just because I have put all of my trust and hopes in the Qadr of Allaah."