In one of the strongest outcomes never occurred in issues related to patent lawsuits, last Friday Apple finally did the unthinkable: to block the sale of Galaxy Nexus in the United States, only one of the most popular Samsung’s smartphones .
Of course the criticisms to Apple have rained in bulk in Google+. In response to Apple’s block, users of Google + showed their disapproval with the hashtag # boycottApple.
The problem seems to be the new voice search tool developed by Google, and the truth, it makes fools of Siri, which was basically the biggest contribution to Apple’s iPhone 4S, the latest version of its popular smartphone .
Coincidentally, blocking the Galaxy Nexus is due to its extraordinary voice search tool that only runs on Google’s Android new OS: Jelly Bean. The Galaxy Nexus is one of the few phones to receive this update and then the easiest target for Apple to shoot.
The situation is still somewhat uncertain. Of course, Samsung was appealing the ruling and there are still weeks to know what will happen to the Galaxy Nexus. In order to remove the Galaxy Nexus from the market, Apple has to pay a fee for $96 million to withdraw all units in the market with the concept of a loss recovery caused during the blockade to Samsung.
For this appeal, Samsung and Google teamed up in the patent war against Apple. After Apple managed to stop sales of Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Samsung Nexus Galaxy in the U.S., South Korea and Mountain View have been working closely to create a united front against Apple.

Last week, Samsung saw how the sale of two of its flagship products the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy Nexus, was paralyzed by a court following a lawsuit filed by Apple.
As recorded by the newspaper The Korea Times, Samsung has confirmed that Google is helping them in their legal battle against Apple. Both companies have been working closely in a “legal offensive” against Cupertino people.
A Samsung representative has ensured that:
It’s early to talk about our plan with Google on the legal battle against Apple but will put all our effort to get Apple’s patents, which has benefited from our technology
Samsung presented on Monday an appeal before the U.S. District Court against the decision made last Friday by Judge Lucy Koh at the request of Apple. Koh ordered a ban on the sale of smartphone Samsung Nexus Galaxy in the U.S. Samsung representative Nam Ki-yung, has claimed that the company appealed the decision asking the court to “delay the implementation of the injunction against the smartphone .
Users who recently bought a Galaxy Nexus in Internet should receive without any problem their phone, though of course are terrified that their orders do not arrive.
On July 4th, a California court has rejected the request of Samsung Electronics to suspend the interim ban on their mobile sales in the U.S. Nexus Galaxy confirmed to Efe a spokesman for the South Korean multinational.
In a further blow to Samsung in patent war with Apple U.S., the District Court in San Jose (California) disallowed in its judgment the appeal with the manufacturer of the Nexus sought revocation of such injunction.
The California court’s decision affirms the ruling last Friday, which provisionally banned the sales of Nexus Galaxy in the U.S. for alleged violation of patents related to unified search technology from Apple.
In a statement, Samsung expressed its “disappointment” and charged that the measure “will reduce the availability of superior technological benefits for U.S. consumers”. He also reiterated that they are working closely with Google to resolve this matter of the Galaxy Nexus unified search function which infringes Apple’s patent is for the manufacturer of Android.
For its part, Google representatives said that soon shall offer to the market, along with Samsung, a new software patch to solving the patent dispute hold over the Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
Although the latest court decision is another setback for Samsung to enforce the prohibition of sale of the Nexus Apple must provide a deposit $95.6 million, well above the $ 2.6 million that the signing of the apple and deposited to confirm the veto to the tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1.
With all this issue on the table, it is clear that fear rounds at Apple. Who would knew that the once leader of the world cellular trends now have to appeal to a tactic that only shows their dread of losing the lead.