Apologies for the break in transmission. I've had a lot going on since the Day 1 post with attending College and a few other bit's and bob's and I knew I didn't have enough time to sit down to write this without distraction's or other thing's that I needed to do.
I'm using the same ELF Blush palette from yesterday's post here.
I'm using a couple of new thing's, the first is Benefit RollerLash Mascara (sample). I've been using this a few week's, it's a sample size that my friend Aaliyah in the UK sent me with the UK Elle magazine edition and I like that it curl's my lashes and gives them length (my lashes grow straight) so it's hard to find a mascara to lengthen and curl so this is my new favorite and I find in the colder month's I need to wear a face primer so I'm giving the Benefit Porefessional Face Primer a try.
I'm wearing the same Australis Eye Primer and Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer as Day 1.
Today, I'm wearing the Australis Mix it Foundation. I've tried a lot of Australis foundation's over the year's and of all the one's I've tried I liked the Paparazzi Perfect but I think this one might be better for me, but I want to try it for a bit longer before I give a proper review.
The lipstick I wrote is Kat Von D's Bachelorette (sample) and I absolutely love a bolder lip in the Autumn/Winter, this goes on very smoothly but it can be a bit too bold for me so I lightly apply it with my finger and dab it onto my lip's. I haven't perfected wearing a lip liner (well I ever be able to create a perfect lip line?) so I don't like how but I end up with lipstick above my top lip and with a bold color like this I'd be checking your face every minute or embarrass myself in public. I like this Kat Von D lipstick so much I'm thinking about buying another winter appropriate shade.
When I was outside in the cold I used a new lipgloss from Becca in Flirtini because it think a gloss helped protect my lip's a bit more than just wearing a lipstick alone and it's a very pretty color. I've never tried any Becca product's before.
If you have any recommendation's for Becca and/or Kat Von D product's,
please write them down below.