Hair & Beauty Magazine

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

By Ireviewuread

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

Sometime in August, Rexona Facebook is having a sampling campaign in which I participated in. There’s a roll on for men and a spray for woman and here’s the sample size deodorant!

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

Along side with that was this brochure with this pop out green flap! 

Anais: I wonder what is that?

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

After reading, I came to a conclusion that these 2 flaps are for you to test your sweat level! (I don’t really need flaps to know I’m sweating, in Singapore, you just sweat like all the time)

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

Rexona(Women) Shower Clean Sample Review

Basically, this deodorant aims to help one stay fresh all day.

What I like about this deodorant is that IT’S SO SMALL AND HANDY! So pretty much this deodorant have a spot in my purse now! 

Other then that I find the smell, can really help one feel all fresh and ready to go!

Does it really help prevent one from sweating? Slightly. However if you all running around all day and you sweat a lot, don’t except this to stop your pit stain. I would prefer roll-on antiperspirant to stop the sweat. 

For more information and updates on Rexona products head over HERE!


Psst. If you want me to review and compare the different types of deodorants available in Singapore, comment below or leave a message on my Facebook page HERE

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