Publication Date: October 11th, 2011
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Page Count: 325 pages
Format: Hardcover
Source: Gifted
My Rating:
Purchase from Amazon: The Death Cure (Maze Runner Trilogy)
*This review may contain spoilers if you have not read the first two books in the series*
Thomas knows that Wicked can't be trusted, but they say the time for lies is over, that they've collected all they can from the Trials and now must rely on the Gladers, with full memories restored, to help them with their ultimate mission. It's up to the Gladers to complete the blueprint for the cure to the Flare with a final voluntary test.Despite the fact that I have a ton of review books I need to read, I had to read Death Cure as soon as I had the chance! I got this book for Christmas and I was so thrilled that I took it with me on vacation. Although the third and final book in the Maze Runner trilogy wasn't as good as the first two, I am completely satisfied with how it ended.
What Wicked doesn't know is that something's happened that no Trial or Variable could have foreseen. Thomas has remembered far more than they think. And he knows that he can't believe a word of what Wicked says.
The time for lies is over. But the truth is more dangerous than Thomas could ever imagine.
Will anyone survive the Death Cure?
The characters are all as great as ever, Thomas is the same heroic guy he's always been while Teresa is just a confusing mess. I ended up liking Brenda a lot more in this book than I did before, she just seemed really kick-ass and awesome, and I wanted to learn more about her. Minho is a smart-ass like always, telling everyone off and getting into fights all the time, at least this time it works out for him.
Sadly, the story just wasn't as exciting this time around. With Maze Runner and Scorch Trials I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, constantly gasping and screaming about what was happening, but Death Cure just didn't hold the same excitement for me. Death Cure was definitely the most emotional out of the three and I think Dashner focused more on that aspect, instead of the intense plot the first two books had. I wish there was just a little more "umph" involved. I have to admit, it was a bit harder to get through because I ended up getting bored and falling asleep when I was reading late at night. I did, however, like that I never really knew if WICKED was good or not. They always kept me guessing, and on one page I would think, "Yeah, WICKED is good!" and on the next I would think, "WHAT THE HELL WICKED?!" Even in the end, I guess I still don't really know.
Overall, I really enjoyed the book and I think it was a great ending to an awesome trilogy, but I wish there was more excitement involved. With Maze Runner the end of every chapter was like a mini cliff hanger and with Scorch Trials I ended up scaring a lot of the people around me with my yelling and gasping, but Death Cure just didn't keep me on edge like I would have hoped. I absolutely love James Dashner's writing, and I definitely recommend this whole series to any fans of dystopian/sci-fi books, or action and adventure!