Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review: Pure Smile Rose Essence Sheet Mask

By Herugliness
Hello! ~This is a review of the Pure Smile Rose Essence Sheet Mask, which I bought, along with quite a lot other Pure Smile sheet masks on my last trip to Japan.Pure Smile Rose Essence Japanese Sheet Mask ReviewPure Smile Rose Essence Japanese Sheet Mask ReviewI already did a review of another Pure Smile Sheet Mask here, so I will keep this review very short as these products are almost identical.
The Pure Smile Rose Essence Mask is a sheet mask, suitable for all skin types. It contains  vitamine E, collagen and Hyaluronic Acid as active ingredients and is supposed to nourish and hydrate your skin. You just put the sheet on your washed face and leave it there for 15-20 minutes.
The mask is dropping wet and has a similar scent to the Strawberry one I tried before - There is this unidentifiable sour (?) scent, that I do not find all that pleasant. But at least with this one, I can actually smell a bit of roses mixed somewhere in there too, so that'S much better already.
In my other Pure Smile review I wrote that it fitted well around the area around my nose/mouth, but was horrible around my eyes, because they would need to be someplace at my forehead to fit this mask, but this really starts to depend on what you take as center when you start putting the mask on, becauss time I concentrated on my eyes, so it fit the area above my nose pretty well, but was horrible ill-fitting on the rest of my face.
Pure Smile Rose Essence Japanese Sheet Mask ReviewPure Smile Rose Essence Japanese Sheet Mask Review
Knowing how awesomely refreshing and cooling these sheet masks feel while you were it I put it on while having a horrible headache and was not disappointed. The pleasant cooling effect felt like the most awesome thing on my forehead at that moment.Sadly I did not notice any effect to my skin after I removed the mask. Some mask will leave your skin with a pleasant refreshed feeling for hours, but not this one. The moment I removed the mask and washed off the essence (sometimes you can leave it on, but this felt too sticky on my face to leave it on), it was like I never wore the mask in the first place.Nice while you wear it, but not too thrilling afterwards.

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