Books Magazine

Review: On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane

Posted on the 17 December 2011 by Literaryexploration @Lit_Explorer
Review: On a Dark Wing by Jordan DaneOn a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane
Expected Publishing Date: December 27th, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Page Count: 384 pages
Format: E-ARc
Source: Netgalley and Harlequin Teen
Pre-order on Amazon: On a Dark Wing

Review: On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane Review: On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane

"The choices I had made led to the moment when fate took over. I would learn a lesson I wasn’t prepared for.
And Death would be my willing teacher."
Five years ago Abbey Chandler cheated Death. She survived a horrific car accident, but her lucky break came at the expense of her mother’s life and changed everything. After she crossed paths with Death—by taking the hand of an ethereal boy made of clouds and sky—she would never be normal again.
Now she’s the target of Death’s Ravens and an innocent boy’s life is on the line. When Nate Holden—Abbey’s secret crush—starts to climb Alaska’s Denali, the Angel of Death is with him because of her.
Abbey finds out the hard way that Death never forgets.
Honestly, I'm having a really hard time starting this review. I didn't like this book. At all. I didn't like the characters, I didn't like the plot, I didn't like the pace... the only thing I did like was Dane's writing style. She's a fantastic writer, everything is very elegant and descriptive, unfortunately nothing else stood out. On a Dark Wing was a serious let down in all sorts of ways.
The characters are cringe-worthy. Abbey is basically an obsessive psycho who dreams about her secret life with Nate Holden. I mean, I remember having secret crushes on hot guys at school, but I never imagined myself having a different live revolving around them, when I had never even talked to them before! What is that?! Her life basically revolves around what he does. Did I mention they've never even talked?! It was worse than some kind of insta-love. She's also a total jerk to her dad. She blames herself for her mother's death and then basically ignores her dad and yells at him all the time like he doesn't understand. He lost his wife. I think he understands. She's basically just an obsessive selfish over eater and I did not care for her at all. Nate is okay I guess, he's just a mountain climber who gets sucked into some crazy angel crap. Tanner was by far my favorite character. He's so down to earth and selfless, he goes above and beyond for Abbey (who so doesn't deserve it).
The story was so dull and slow I had a really hard time keeping up with it. I don't know why, but I just felt compelled to keep going. Nothing really happens, and some of the plot lines make no sense whatsoever, or are completely unnecessary. I have to admit, Dane's writing is fantastic! Everything is really well-written and the descriptions are really well done. I just wish more of that fantastic writing went into creating a better story! One that didn't bore me to tears!
Overall, I just wasn't a fan of this book. I've seen it around a lot, and I know it's gotten mixed reviews but I tried it out anyways. I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I really enjoyed Dane's writing style, so I'm definitely interested in reading something else by her, however.

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