Meishoku claims that this gel turns hot once in contact with water. Then the heat is supposed to open your skin's pores and sweep them of dirt instantly. You don't need to squeeze out any blackheads or whiteheads from your nose. After washing your face, you apply a proper amount of the product to cover your nose and massage it for 30 seconds and then rinse it off with water. You are supposed to repeat the step 1-2 times each week. However, I think "hot" is a huge overstatement. The gel turns mildly warm at best and, no matter how much I wished for it to be otherwise, I have to admit that I could not see any effect at all after using this product. There was no reduction in bleakheads right after using it, my pores did not appear any smaller. I tried to check the gel on my nose for any signs of removed blackheads, but nope, nothing either. Even after using this product constantly for several weeks, there was no visible improvement.