The Lioele Petit Bon Bon Lip Balm is not sticky and leaves a glossy finish on your lips. The treatment effect is also very great for me. I always have very dry chipped lips and adding lip balm often makes it worse: At first, when I add a balm, my lips feel better, but after a while start to feel even drier than what they felt like before I used a balm. But this product really seems to help a lot. My lips feel smooth and moisturised, the feeling lasts for quite a while, and my lips don't feel worse than before at the end of the day.

The only thing I find quite horrible about it is the scent/taste. You would expect from a balm that is called Bon Bon Lip Palm (Bon Bon means candy in German) to taste and smell like sweet candy. I even think I read somewhere of it having a "sweet scent", but maybe that was the Cherry and/or Honey version, because #2 Pink BonBon has an unpleasant, almost acrid scent and taste. It seems like a medical taste to me, like the one of a cough drop.The ingredient list has stuff like fruit extract, sheabutter and almond oil on it, so I am really not sure why it has this scent. It just doesn't go well with the cute and pink design. Luckily the taste does not seem to linger on your lips for too long, and I guess as long as the product actually treats your lips well, which, at least for me, it does, it's bearable.
It wasn't a waste of money as it serves its purpose well, but I would not re-purchase it.