Hair & Beauty Magazine

Review: Glossybox

By Clickyourheels @redrubyheels
Today I have a mini review of the beauty subscription service from Glossybox. I was sent February's box for review recently so I wanted to share with you my thoughts.
I won't go into too much detail about the products in February's box as there have been so many reviews posted already, however I will give you my thoughts on product selection, value for money, packaging and all that good stuff!
Review: Glossybox
What impressed me most about the Glossybox subscription is the detail they put into the packaging. This was my one criticism of Lust Have It. I love the way your Glossybox comes in a post box then you open up to a lovely gift box containing your goodies. I love these boxes as they are great to re-use for storage.
Review: Glossybox
As with other services you receive a product card listing all the items you have received in your subscription box and details on the full sized version of the products. As you can see the February box was beautifully packaged in pink with lots of love hearts for Valentine's Day.
Review: Glossybox
This box provided a good cross section of products from makeup to skincare. I have used Proactiv and Avene in the past and really enjoy both of them so I was happy to see them in the box but it was also nice to see a few brands I had not tried. I am excited to try the Mirenesse lipgloss and Olive lip balm.
Where I think Glossybox hits the nail on the head is through their packaging and presentation. I appreciate the extra detail that has gone into the design of this subscription service over some of the other beauty services out there. If you are still deciding about signing up to a beauty subscription service I think Glossybox is a great one to start with.
Please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear who is still signed up to a beauty subscription service. Which one are you still subscribed to? Do you think beauty boxes have run their course?

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